Nominations for Jackrabbit Grove building names


Nominations for Jackrabbit Grove building names

South Dakota State University is pleased to invite nominations for the naming of the individual residence halls comprising the new Jackrabbit Grove being constructed on the southeast corner of campus.  These state-of-the-art residence halls are scheduled to open in August 2013 and will house 802 undergraduate students.  Persons interested in submitting nominations may do so by providing the name along with a statement of support not to exceed 250 words for each nominee.  Nominations will be sought from faculty, staff, students, alums and other friends of SDSU.  After a screening of all submittals conducted by a Task Force comprised of faculty, administrators, an Alumni Association representative, and students, a group of finalists will be forwarded to the Naming Committee chaired by Provost Nichols to determine a  recommendation to be forwarded to the President for final review prior to submitting recommendations to the Board of Regents.  Your nomination(s) can be directed to Doug Wermedal via e-mail at, or via surface mail at:

Douglas R. Wermedal

312 Administration Building – SDSU

Brookings, SD 57007

Nominations will close Monday, October 15th.   


Douglas R. Wermedal, PhD

Associate Vice President for Student Affairs

South Dakota State University

voice:  605.688-4493

fax:  605.688-4495